Welcome to my page! Neptune and Nepgear, say hello to our visitor!Now choose where you want to go next!

**πΎ~ Hello! ^0^Please call me Nepqueen or Queen for short! I'm an adult woman who enjoys playing the Hyperdimension Neptunia games. But I can also be playfully known as the third Planeptune sister~ ^w^In this project of mine, I plan to play through the current mainline games (Re;Birth and forward) with tips, commentary, and voice overs/acting (and possibly do some other fun side projects)My main goal is to get the franchise more out there and have a more safe and fun experience for all beginner fans/players and hardcore fans alike! I love this game so much and I look forward to sharing it with the world!Lets Nep-Nep!**Thank you for stopping by!

πΎ READ THESE RULESPlease read these rules before attending any of my stream sessions. These are rules specifically for the chatrooms but these can also be rules in general when interacting with me or anything that I do.If you disobey any of these rules I can sometimes give warnings, but if you get 3 strikes or make me absurdly uncomfortable or angry, you will be banned/blocked and no longer have the privilege to interact with me. Plain and simple.I may be a nice and understanding nep most of the time, but I'm also a queen that takes no bullshit if pushed too far.
πΎ MAKE SURE YOU'RE OLD ENOUGHI play a teen rated game mostly, but to be safe you must be 16 years of age or higher to attend my streams. None under that age limit is recommended.(plus I might swear π )
πΎ BE RESPECTFUL OF MY BOUNDARIESMy streams are welcome to everyone. Please do not disrespect me or anyone else.Never ask me for any personal information. (tho that's kinda common sense lol)Try to refrain from saying anything too lewd or nsfw. I want my streams to be comfortable for both minors and adults and I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable.Please keep fetishes to yourself. I have no hate for anyone with a harmless fetish but its not for me so please don't mention it.My streams are NOT a place to role-play with me. NO ASTERISK POSTING/TEXT ALLOWED!And please no flirting/being too personal or being creepy. I am a taken woman. SO BACK OFF!
πΎ NO POLITICSPlease do not speak of anything political in my chatrooms.
πΎ NO DRAMA OR DOXXINGMy streams are a drama free zone. Do not give any personal information about you or anybody else in my streams.
πΎ NO PERSONAL ISSUESPlease don't tell me personal issues or trauma to me. Please seek professional help, talk to a trusted friend or call a hotline. Streamers and content creators aren't your therapists.
πΎ NO LINK OR TAG SPAMLinks are allowed in the chat with my permission. But don't spam links constantly or promote yourself in my streams or my content. Also I cannot stand being tagged in too many things due to the spam.
πΎ DON'T USE MY IP/IMAGE WITHOUT MY PERMISSIONThis isn't really for twitch, but it's still a general rule, please do not ever use my character without asking first. I don't want her put in content or media that is not my own. Fanart or creation is okay, but don't post that publicly in your own media or content without my consent. Even if the content is yours, the character image and ip is mine.
Thank you for reading and I hope you now understand my boundaries. With that being said, I hope you enjoy yourself~ c: